Monday, August 22, 2005

Weekend Report + Recording Notes (part III of N)

Everything seems back into alignment right now. My body got re-conditioned to the normal daily basis and i'm feeling back in "shape".
Remember that Java gig i was talking about? I decided to take it cause it's a very temptating offer. I ain't going to earn loads of money on this , but it will be a great opportunity to learn J2EE based platforms/applications. The location is also great : Paulista avenue. I love it!
This week i'll perform the procedures to quit my actual job , so i can sign the new contract properly.

Last Saturday , i reunited with Lennon and Moe to discuss our covers band planning. Met Joe and Vikk right after it to eat a tasty fried pizza. We talked alot and had a great time. Last time i saw Joe was at the "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" day.

Yesterday , i stepped into the studio to record a couple of tracks of an instrument that i never played before : Mandolin.
Geez , what a difficult little thing to play! I've done some melodic lines with it. The song is named "Estrela da Manha" (Morning Star)
I dunno if these tracks will be part of the final mix.. It's a matter of how cool the mandolin lines will sound with the other instruments.

More news are coming..
Hugs 4 all

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Yesterday i performed a pocket show with my band at a community theatre. Everything worked fine , except for a general event delay which reduced our stage time in 10 minutes... This is the only "bad" thing that happened.
The audience loved the band performance and that's great! We are sounding better show after show , and i'm really happy about it.
Our record is almost done , and there's only few tracks where voice recording is needed... The next challenge is make money for mastering and copying.

Just for the record :

  • It's being almost three weeks that i don't hang out with all my friends.
  • I hope i can survive this entire semester... This week was a bit tough.. and i'm not happy about the daily "travel" from College->Work.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Back on the College Track Again

Well.. everything returned to their normal state. Hardcore classes until 12:30 , running like a motherfucker to catch a bus that crosses the town , dealing with some crosstown traffic at the rush hour , etc.
This semester i got some nice classes , but a few "sleeping management" ones like always.
Object Oriented System Analisys , Information Engeneering II and Introduction to Compilers are the "cool dudes" for now.

This week is being more than introductory! Most teachers are performing a kickin ass start , with projects and stuff... but it seems fine to me.
I just relax by now.... heavy duty stuff is about to come...

Oh.. my ex-Java teacher offered me a trainee job with java programming & design! This looks great cause Java is freakin fun for me! I sent him my "Resume"... If it's a good gig for me , i hope i can get it... otherwise step off!

Damn! I'm Enjoying some great Video Game soundtrack right now!!! Nobuo Uematsu kicks Ass³³³³²¹¹¹²²³. He's doing some wonderful stuff with "The Black Mages"...
Right now i'm listening the Theme from Final Fantasy 6's final battle with Kefka!
Just remembered that i need to finish it again!! All i gotta do is build my fighters's skills to kick Kefka again. I'm gonna bomb that SOB with all Ultimas and Meltons i got!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

6 days left.....

Having a good time in these last days of my college's vacation season..
No big news!!!
  • Working one the new version of "Conway's Game of Life" simulation. Today , i defined the new classes , structures and templates that make this thing work.

  • Replaying my Final Fantasy Tactics game. At the moment there's only one sidequest left : The Deep Dungeon.
    Man , the hottest weapons are hidden in this place , and when you reach to the end of it (10 levels) you have the opportunity to learn the ultimate summon magic named "Zodiac"

This is a great game!! Suffered a bit in the beggining to understand it, but after you master the main concepts of the game system , you will have lots of fun hours playing it!